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Dealer Cooperation
Medical Equipment Maintenance Trustee (Medical Equipment Dealer) Technical Cooperation Invitation Announcement
       Runkai Medical is one of the few technical service organizations in the field of endoscopic maintenance that will carry out the “quality control” concept throughout the maintenance process. In 2018, it obtained the ISO 9001::2015 certification issued by the China Quality Certification Center.       
       Runkai Medical is a professional third-party maintenance service agency with high-quality maintenance Olympus 290 series endoscope, URF-P5/P6 ureteral nephroscope, wolf brand 7325071/7326071 single channel/double channel ureteroscope One of the endoscope maintenance covers the mainstream imported brands such as Olympus, Fujinon, Pentax and Wolf.        
       Runkai Medical has accumulated a lot of experience in the Olympus electronic endoscope CCD photosensitive components precision maintenance (non-replacement), which can reduce a large number of unnecessary CCD replacement and maintenance costs for customers.        
       Runkai Medical is willing to cooperate with various medical equipment maintenance companies and dealers in various regions to become a loyal technical support force for all enterprises and distributors. At the same time, we are also willing to communicate with each other and complement each other.        
       Runkai Medical sincerely welcomes all hosting companies and distributors to call and negotiate technical cooperation matters.            
Contact:Miss. Li  13926931476
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